Saturday, April 14, 2012

Coastal Scents Beauty Haul Review & Swatches

Well, Well, Well..  I just received the new product a few days ago that I've been waiting to arrive for a while now. So today we will be talking about Coastal Scents. I bought 3 palette from which are:

10 Blush Palette
6 Contour Blush Palette 
88 Original Eyeshadow Palette
Those palette from Coastal Scents has been quite a hit within the online beauty world, and it was only a few weeks ago that I decided to buy it and see what all the fuss is about. And I am so glad I did!

   The Packaging & Ingredients: 


 Here's the swatches:

10 Blush Palette

5 Colors on The Top Row

5 Colors on The Bottom Row

6 Contour Blush Palette

88 Original Eyeshadow Palette

My Own Opinion:
First of all, the price is amazing. You’re getting each palette for about 20 bucks, so it’s already really afforable and worth the price. 

Yes, the colors are dime sized for the eyeshadow (how often do you finish a whole eyeshadow pot, anyway?) and there are a few ‘misses’ and chalky colors… but overall, it’s a really great palette. The lighter, matte shades are hard to show up on the skin so they aren’t too great, but the others are perfect. The colors are really pigmented and bold, and lasts on your lids.

In the meantime, there’s not so much to say about all of this palette except that if you’re into color, experimenting and want something affordable, I would highly recommend Coastal Scents,
I really adore it!

 P.S: don’t use the 2 sponge tips that come with the eyeshadow palettes. It is rather cheap, and once you take it out, good luck getting it to snap back in. :D

 They are too beautiful NOT to have in your dressing table, don’t you think?

Thanks for visiting & see u on my next post.. ^^

Imelda Ingelia


  1. wahhhh >,< beli lgs di webnya CS ya sis.. total smua kena brp nih? :D
    nice haul >,<

    1. Thank u dear.. :)
      iyaah aq belinya di web coastal scents total $54,35 USD
      udah include shipping lho.. XD
      ada discount kek' nya..

  2. ongkos kirimnya brp tuh dr amrik k sini? nyampenya brp lama yaa? :)

    1. ongkirnya kira2 $20 USD tp ada diskon koq :D
      it takes 3 weeks sista, tp kali aja lbh cepat soalnya aq kan di daerah :)

      *visiting ur blog..

    2. oh gt yaa.. kyny aman ya klo beli langsung d webnya :D

      thanx ud mampir ^^

    3. aman koq Rini, and cheaper than another olshop :D

      *ur so welcomeee.. :)

  3. pertanyannya sama kayak xiao vee dan rini hehehe
    nice haul say ^^

    1. hihihi.. Thank u Sha..
      recommended bgt dah pokoknya!

      pertanyaannya sama jawabannya liat atas yaaach.. LOL


  4. is that include taxes beside the shipping cost dear? ga nyantol di bea cukai ya? hehe.. nice haul btw! coastal scents is having a great disc lately, and you got a good price there!

    mind follow my blog and checking it as well? thx dear :))

    have a great day! :)

    1. yup, that's all including tax, shipping & discount.. :)
      (cheap haul + discount, like.. OMG!!!!!)
      lucky me bea cukai gak macem2 & safely arrived here..
      pas dikabarin brg dtg, tgl pick up di kantor pos :DD
      amaaann! hehehe...

      *visit & follow ur blog now.. ^^

  5. waaw haul nya kereen ^^ .
    harganya gak gitu mahal yaa, dpt banyak lagi.
    aku suka lihat eye shadow yg banyak warna *.*

    1. Hehe.. thanks Dear..
      iyah nih murah meriah :D
      tp aq cek di olshop ada yg jual 350rb lho per palette.. >.<

  6. I owned these coastal scent pallete too...
    mine is 88 ultra shimmer pallete..the color really nice and colorful, shimmering as well...

    btw I give you an award

  7. OMG so pretty!! The colour are amazing :) Cute blog! If you'd like to follow each other I'd be happy to return the favour XO

    1. okiee dokiee...
      check ur blog now.. :)

      anw, thank u ^^

  8. Hi dear do u have line id or something?
    Aku mau tanya soal coastal scents nya dong..
    Soalnya kmrn aku beli online produk2 concealer ci CS itu ..
    Terus pas liat di Blog kamu ini emang harga nya beda jauh ya sama yang di website resmi CS nya sendiri huhuhu T__T

    Btw nice blog and ur so pretty too!
