Wednesday, September 26, 2012

September Mini Haul & 10.000 Pageviews

Hi everyone..
Today i made a plan to darken hair with my sister at one of the favorite beauty salon in town. I was just too tired to see my hair growth that fast just after a week of retouching and all i can see is the stupid roots began to appear.. New growth hair is always annoying to see on colored hair. 
It looks sooo ugly.. =__=
 I must always do retouch at least once in 2 weeks to maintain the color. (kinda tiring me) TT___TT  
and if I'm too lazy to do so, they often assume that I accidentally dyed my hair with Ombre style.. hikzzz.. 

My sister will pick up within 1 or 2 hours and I think there is still time to share with you my September Mini Haul that i purchased a week ago.

Here are the items i got:

D.U.P - Eyelash fixer EX 552 (Clear Type)  

 KISS ME - Heroine Make - Fake Lash 011

 FAIRY DROPS - Mascara 

 Koji -Technical Eye Tape (Slim type) 

 Hada Labo - Gokujyun - Super Hyaluronic Acid Lotion

 Masami Shouko Brushes

This is it! Hope you guys like it..
I will try to review all of this stuff on my next post, certainly not all at once but one by one.. LOL XD 

Anyway I took a glimpse and realized that sometime in the last week, my blog has hit
 10.000 Pageviews
Maybe this is not a BIG thing for some people, but this is really means a lot to me and made me happy.. I'm so excited! *yeaaayyyyy.. ^___^
I started writing a blog without high expectations. I just write stuff that I like,
and fill some spare time left. But seeing that everyday there is an upward movement here, I can only say Thank You..

Thank You for all of u guys who keep your eyes on my blog, visiting, reading, comments and following. I really appreciate every LITTLE thing you guys do, which means so BIG to me. 
Once again THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart, 
you guys more than just a reader and followers ;*

Imelda Ingelia


  1. huah banyak banget brushnya *o*
    congrats ya udah 10.000 pageviews~

    1. hehe.. thank u Sha..
      penasaran liat review dr para bloggers jd pengen nyobain Masami Shuoko :D

      Thanks anyway ^^

  2. Waaaa banyak bgt brushnya ^^ *mupeng*
    Kay Collection lg ada diskon jg lo dear buat make up boxnya, diskon 40%

    Love your posts anyway! Followed you already :)

  3. congrats ce!!!
    waah jap product semua, banyak banget brush Masami Shouko-nyaa >ㅇ<

    1. Thanks Dita..

      Iya nih kalap soalnya murceee bo'
      hihihihi.. *evilsmirk >:D

      thanks for visiting ^^

  4. itu fairy drops mascarany beli di indo atau di mana ceee?
    congrats for the 10.000 pageviews (^0^)/

    1. hehe.. thank u Rini..
      fairy drops lagi sale tuh di perfect beauty :)

  5. Congrats on 10000 page views. Love your haul and I agree With the others, i want those brushes too lol

    1. Thanks Dear.. so nice of u..
      I'm here instead fell in love with tokidoki brushes when I first saw in your blog..

      Thanks for visiting anyway ^^

  6. Hi Imelda! Thankyou for dropping by my blog!
    Have you tried the tape? I am looking for a tape that is really stick to the eyelid, that doesnt easily fall off from the eyelid. Aku beli beberapa kali dan gak nempel gitu D:
